Land Your Ideal Student Job
Top experts in the field reveal how you can get the best student summer jobs, internships, or co-ops so you can accomplish your unique career goals.
9 Video Lessons
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9 Video Lessons
Flexible Online Learning with Engaging Videos
100% Free
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Limited Enrollment
100 Spots Available in the US & Canada
What You Will Learn

Get the skills you need to get the jobs you love—for life.
In your lifetime, you’ll spend more time at your work than anywhere other than your bed. You’ll likely have over 10 jobs throughout your career, which means a lot of applications, interviews, and résumés.
Creating the career you want starts with student jobs during summer. This bootcamp gives students the education and tools that schools don’t teach, so you can get the jobs you want to build the life you desire.
What’s Your Goal?
If there was one trait that would instantly separate you from your peers, it would be self-awareness. Getting clear on who you are not only improves your ability to articulate the value you can add to an employer, it also ensures you are applying to the right jobs. In this lesson, you will uncover new insights about yourself and walk away with a specific goal to maximize your summer employment experience.
The Short-list Strategy
The usual job search strategy for a student is simple: apply to as many jobs as possible. This might work, but we have a different approach that works better: create a short-list of five jobs that you really, really want—both from online job boards and ‘genesis jobs’ that aren’t listed anywhere. Then, we’ll teach you exactly what you need to do to optimize your chances of obtaining one of these short-listed jobs that you actually want.
Crafting the Perfect Résumé
Your résumé is by far the most important part of your job search, yet after reviewing thousands of student résumés, not one has met the best-practices that employers look for. Either you’re making a mediocre effort, or you’re getting advice that’s not relevant to students today. Building a winning student résumé takes time, but it lays a huge amount of groundwork so that every future job search will be both easier and simpler. This is the last résumé you’ll ever need to build from scratch.
Application Add-ons
When it comes to the job market, competition is always fierce. So, what else can you add to your application to stand out? You’ll learn about the three ‘application add-ons’ we recommend to students so that you can separate your application from everyone else. Not only that, but we’ll tell you exactly how to package these add-ons together with your rĂ©sumĂ© to create a knock-out LinkedIn profile that turns heads and opens doors.
The Proactive Pitch
So, you’ve applied. Now what? You have two options: 1) you can sit and wait to hear back; or 2) you can decide to do something. If this is truly a job you want, there’s always something you can do after you apply to optimize your chances of success. We call it the ‘proactive pitch’. Using real examples and success stories, you’ll learn how to proactively pitch for the position (both virtually or in-person), who the best person is to pitch to, and how to find that person.
Nailing the Interview [Part 1]
Congratulations! You’ve received a request for an interview. You’re past the first hoop, but everything you’ve done up to this point won’t matter if you don’t crush your interview. Research shows that we overestimate our interview abilities, because employers never actually give interview feedback to candidates they don’t go with. Interviewing is a skill, and like any other skill, it requires preparation and practice in order to do well—especially under pressure. During this lesson, we’ll teach you interview best-practices so you can crush it when it matters most.
Nailing the Interview [Part 2]
Now that you know how to answer almost any interview question that comes your way, you’re ready to move to the next step: ensuring your delivery is effective. Whether your interview is in person or virtual, you will need to learn how to communicate your message clearly and how to keep calm under the pressure of an interview environment. Interviews are both a technical and mental game, and our strategies are proven to wow hiring managers and help you get into the right mindset to land your ideal student job.
Getting a Strong Start
You did it! You landed a great summer job that you’re proud of. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end here. Performing well in this role will help you get the next big career opportunity, so it’s critical that you start off on the right foot and get up to speed quickly. We’ll give you the playbook to ensure you have a successful first week on-the-job, including navigating complicated politics that come with any organization and dealing with difficult clients, colleagues, or bosses.